How to Emulate the Commodore Amiga on a Raspberry Pi Using Amibian
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Love retro gaming but not sure where the best games are found? Looking for some retro gaming gold? Then why not take a look at Amibian, the Raspbian-based Amiga emulator for the Raspberry Pi? Emulating the Commodore Amiga has never been easier or more satisfying than this. Amiga: One of the Most Loved Home Computers
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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Reliving the 80s: ARMIGA Amiga Emulator Review and Giveaway
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Retro gaming doesn’t get any better than booting up an Amiga emulator, loading up a disk image and watching as the Kickstart screen disappears, to be replaced by an amazing 16-bit game. Or does it? Well, that really depends on whether you’re using a software emulator, or a physical device. The ARMIGA Full Edition is
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News