135 Useful Things You Didn’t Know Google Could Do (Free Ebook)
Saturday, 19 October 2019
Pretty much every internet user relies on several of Google’s services for certain aspects of their digital lives. Whether that’s Google Search, Gmail, Google Calendar, Chrome, Google Maps, or any of the myriad other Google services on offer. These services are already impressive as they are, but there is much more to them than meets
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
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15 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do on Instagram
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Instagram is a staple social media app for most of us, but beyond scrolling through your newsfeed and uploading selfies, there are plenty of other things to do on Instagram. While Instagram is easy to use, there are features, tools, and apps to help you get even more out of Instagram. These handy tips and
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 Instagram Apps You Didn’t Know You Needed
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Whether it’s checking out someone’s profile picture in full size or using Instagram without having an account, these third-party apps and tools level up your Instagram game. Most of these apps fill a need that Instagram has ignored to address or could be upcoming features, like the ability to create custom stickers, or planning your
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
5 WhatsApp Apps and Extensions You Didn’t Know You Need
Saturday, 29 September 2018
WhatsApp is a fantastic instant messenger, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be better. Whether it’s hiding media from snooping eyes on WhatsApp Web or using two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone, a few apps and extensions can make anything possible. To use any of the extensions, you’ll need to be running Google Chrome
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
We Bet You Didn’t Know These Microsoft Word Features (or Forgot About Them)
Saturday, 03 February 2018
If you use Microsoft Word regularly, then you probably use the same features over and over. You might be quite familiar with mail merge, the drawing tools, or font formatting options. But constant usage can actually lead to overlooked yet useful features. Maybe you forget about them or just don’t realize that they exist. We
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News
8 Amazing Android TV Apps That You Didn’t Know Existed
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Cast your mind back to April 2010: Apple had just released the first iPad, thus firing the starting gun on the tablet revolution. If you had one of those early Apple or Android tablets, you’ll probably remember the utterly miserable experience of using apps. Most developers hadn’t adapted their products for a tablet’s larger screen
- Published in Malika Karoum Global News